The Peregrine Foundation
The Peregrine Foundation derives its name both from the
Latin peregrinatus, 'wanderer' or 'pilgrim,' and from the feisty little
falcon that is recovering successfully from near-extinction. The
persistent urge of humankind to create a more just and equitable
society has expressed itself in a remarkable variety of utopian
experiments and social groupings. In many instances these sects,
cults and intentional communities have functioned as valuable test
sites for the evolution of new forms of human interaction and
American individualism expresses this urge, having evolved out
of an motley mixture of idealistic, liberty-seeking colonists. On a
smaller scale, many religious sects have enriched the national
culture. Of these, the Mormons, the Amish, the Oneida Community,
the Shakers and Amana are perhaps the most well-known
historically. Their legacy may be found in the hundreds of intentional
communities, mostly of humanistic persuasion, that exist today. Each
one of these attempts in its own individual manner to express its
unique vision for humankind. For this reason, The Peregrine
Foundation encourages the nurturance of intentional communities
that respect the civil rights of their members.
There also exist destructive groups in whom the utopian urge is
exploited by the leadership. Jonestown, Waco and The Temple of the
Sun cults demonstrated to a horrified world just how absolute can be
the power that a psychotic leader wields. Mind control, psychological
and physical abuse often are used to enslave the members and deny
them their inalienable rights as human beings. Exiting members may
suffer from confusion and developmental lags. Some become
severely depressed and even suicidal.
The Peregrine Foundation seeks to assist individuals hurt by
their association with totalistic groups by providing referrals and
support networks via newsletters and various gatherings whereby
ex-members may share information. We also educate the general
public regarding intentional communities, utopian sects, cults and
millennialist organizations. We encourage their study by students
and scholars.
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